Different From “A Landscaping Company”

  • Design and Consultation

    I really enjoy collaborating with clients, and some even garden with me. I love answering your questions and solving problems together! Clients typically approve of each plant and its placement in their landscape.

    Most of my designs are very colorful and feature natural looks and materials instead of things like statuary and plastics. I prefer natural forms for shrubs and trees over topiary, and repetition is preferred to a large variety. To me, most gardens feel incomplete without a source of running water.

  • Specializing in Healthy Plants

    Clients appreciate my focus on helping their plants thrive. Unlike most contractors, I’m not looking for deck, wall, and patio projects.

    I have experience in managing invasive weeds and insects that plague Minnesota gardens through integrated pest management practices. I provide specialty herbicide/pesticide applications and am a 2024 Minnesota-licensed Commercial Pesticide Applicator (Turf & Ornamentals Category).

  • Maintenance and Renovations

    I know how to correctly prune and protect your plants. From full-service maintenance to weeding just one (prized!) flower bed, I’ll do it right the first time.

    A particular strength of mine is converting overgrown spaces such as newly-purchased homes with neglected landscaping into lush, designed gardens with easily managed weed populations.

About Cole Yates Gardens

Refreshing landscape designs and water features boost well-being and make homes more welcoming to neighbors, birds, and pollinators.

I provide skilled “private gardening” service for clients, offering consultation and design, installation, and ongoing maintenance. Most clients are in the Mac Groveland and Highland Park neighborhoods of Saint Paul. I do not have any employees, so I’ll be completing all work on your property.

Cole Yates Gardens is a licensed business in Minnesota. I pay state and federal taxes and carry liability insurance.